Graphic Recorder Christoph J Kellner is drawing, in action

Graphic Recording explained in brief

Graphic Recording is an innovative method for capturing information in real-time in a visual way. It is increasingly used in conferences, meetings, and workshops. When people are talking, discussing, presenting, or collaborating, and the ideas and results are valuable to be documented, a Graphic Recording adds value.

This is where the Graphic Recorder comes into play. By listening and live drawing, I record what is being said on the spot. I summarize the key points and make them visually engaging in a single image.

Why Graphic Recording?

Simultaneously with the event, a visual documentation is created using images and words. This combination of drawings and text ensures a fairly clear representation. In this way, not only a visual result document of the discussed topics, ideas, and messages is created, but also a unique snapshot of the event. When digitized, it can be easily shared and distributed. Graphic Recording offers real advantages.

Detail Graphic Recording studio animanova

In the German-speaking region, Graphic Recording is also known as Visual Documentation, Live Illustration, or Visual Protocol. Depending on the region, it may also be referred to as (live) Scribing or Visual Recording. Particularly in the United States, Graphic Recording is offered as Graphic Facilitation or Visual Facilitation, actively supporting group processes more methodically than just providing accompanying visual documentation.

graphic recording explained in one image

Do you need visual support at your live event? Documenting the results in pictures and text is a great idea! Get in touch and write to me. I will be happy to advise you on how a graphic recording can best support and accompany your project.

Here you can find the current Graphic Recording portfolio for download

Graphic Recording ethics and technology studio animanova
Graphic Recorder Christoph J Kellner draws live at AGYA on Data Science

Graphic Recording works

With preparation

As a Graphic Recorder, I don’t need to be an expert in the subjects myself. For effective preparation, I gather information about the topic and the agenda, and I can familiarize myself with relevant background knowledge. A solid general education, my artistic training, and over 25 years of practical experience help me in the initial stages of creating visuals.

Through active listening

During the event, I actively and attentively listen. This skill can be cultivated. With curiosity and empathy, one has the best prerequisites for filtering out what is relevant and for discovering relationships and connections. Graphic Recording captures not only key statements but also emotions. It enables a holistic representation of information that goes beyond mere textual documentation.

With visualization

As a Graphic Recorder, I draw what I hear. I employ a diverse visual language, including drawings, symbols, colors, and text in various legible fonts. This helps to structure complex ideas more clearly and present key points in an understandable manner. Visualization makes content more engaging and accessible. This method goes beyond a mere verbatim representation of spoken words. It often reveals surprising connections between topics, makes abstract thoughts tangible, and facilitates understanding of complex subjects. Through visualization, you gain an overview, making it easier to navigate, stay engaged with, and carry forward the topics being discussed. In the best-case scenario, this creates space for new ideas. When visualized and put on paper, these ideas are not lost.

Graphic Recording can simplify complex information, promote understanding, and actively involve participants. It is most successful when the image is integrated into the process.


Through Feedback

Graphic Recording is always live, visible, and accessible in the room. While I’m drawing, participants have the opportunity to observe the creation of the image. Feedback often comes during breaks. Simultaneously, participants receive feedback through the visualization, which invites reflection. Since I work exclusively with original content, i.e., what is said on the spot, it facilitates identification when participants see themselves in the image/quote. They feel heard and respected. People are more inclined to actively engage when they see that their contributions are being directly represented. This also makes other perspectives, which are often not immediately apparent, visible.

Graphic Recording works with results

When the discussion ends, the image is also complete. You have a visual summary of your event as a result in front of you. If I work analog, it becomes a tangible artifact. From this original drawing, I create a professionally formatted digital image. This is easier to share with others, whether within the company or online via social media. This is also possible when I work digitally. The visual documentation as an image helps participants remember key points and retain what they have learned. Furthermore, thanks to its universal visual language, a Graphic Recording makes it easier for people with different language skills to access the content.

Woman photographs Visual Recording in focus
Graphic Recording Digital shared worldwide via internet studio animanova
Participants view a visual summary