corporate communication heroes roles characters business Illustrations studio animanova

Business Illustrations

Communication is the key, even in businesses and organizations. Business illustrations can effectively support this. Corporate communication refers to how a company communicates with various target audiences, including customers, employees, investors, and the public. It encompasses a wide range of activities and messages aimed at conveying the company’s image, values, and goals. Internal communication within the company, between employees, teams, and management, is particularly important. Internal communication is relevant for keeping employees well-informed about company goals, changes, and initiatives. Effective corporate communication aims to build trust, strengthen relationships, shape the company’s image, and support its goals. In sustainability communication as well, images can ensure transparent and clear communication.

When developing business illustrations, the focus is primarily on creating communicable images. From experience, a combination of images and text is the best approach. These images should be engaging for employees while also allowing room for interpretation and identification.

Strategy Picture

A strategy picture is a visual representation that clearly conveys the strategic direction, goals, and priorities of a company, organization, or project. It is a tool to communicate complex strategic concepts in an illustrative way and align stakeholders toward a common vision. Through a clear and easily understandable visual depiction, a strategy picture can reduce this complexity. By using strategy pictures, employees and stakeholders can more easily be engaged in the strategic planning process. They can inspire and guide their teams by creating clear, motivating images of their goals. Strategy pictures can be used to communicate changes in strategic direction, whether due to new opportunities, challenges, or industry developments. A strategy picture conveys not only short-term objectives but also a long-term vision and orientation.

Vision Mission Strategy Image Target Image Illustration studio animanova

Vision Picture

Similar to scenario planning, vision pictures depict how an organization, project, or idea could look in the future. They help clarify long-term objectives. Vision pictures inspire and encourage thinking beyond conventional boundaries and developing new innovative approaches. In a vision picture, the organizational culture, values, and mission are often depicted, providing guidance in the face of variable future possibilities such as trends, developments, and external influences that could impact the direction of a company, initiative, or project. These factors may include technological innovations, social changes, economic developments, or political trends. By incorporating such factors into vision pictures, a more realistic and informed perspective on the future is provided.

Vision Mission Strategy Image Target Image Illustration studio animanova

Start-Up Illustration

A start-up company is a venture founded with an innovative business idea and high growth potential. Start-ups often operate in young or yet-to-be-established markets, such as the technology and internet sectors, and face the challenge of developing a sustainable business model. Once this is achieved, they are typically no longer considered start-ups. However, the journey to that point is fraught with significant risks.

Successful start-ups in their early stages are characterized by their ability to innovate, flexibility, modernity, and flat hierarchies. Personal interactions and effective communication, in particular, play a crucial role. This is also important for gaining the trust of potential investors. In contrast, virtual communication or significant geographical distances with business partners can hinder the innovation process.

A visual representation of the business idea significantly contributes to improved communication. Through a business illustration, complex concepts can be conveyed more easily and can vividly show how the idea can be brought into reality. Start-ups are the breeding grounds of innovation, and I help them transform their groundbreaking ideas into engaging and persuasive presentations.

Start up illustration business ideas innovation newspaper clipping studio animanova

Business Illustrations for Your Company

Do you want to explain your business idea at a glance? Your goals should be communicated clearly and persuasively? Do you need a visual compass that transparently and easily conveys the direction of your organization to all employees and motivates them to follow along?

I’ve learned how to translate complex concepts into understandable visuals. Every company is unique, and I tailor the illustrations to your specific requirements and messages. Together, we bring creativity and innovation to your business processes to improve your communication and achieve your goals. Please reach out to me if you’re looking for visual support.