Comic and cartoons
Caricature, cartoon, comic strip, and comic are similar genres but differ in format, purpose, and content. They are often confused with each other. When considering the narrative span, a cartoon is the shortest medium, while a comic is the longest. Cartoons are often short and humorous, whereas comics tell longer stories and can provide more room for deeper content. Of course, there can be fluid transitions between them.
Caricature and Cartoon
A caricature is a representational element within a cartoon. It is an exaggerated depiction of people, emphasizing their character or physical features. In general, such exaggeration is considered funny, but it can also be sharp and biting. Caricatures use humor to convey their message, often depicting situations in a humorous way that makes the viewer smile. Furthermore, they also employ satire to make social or political commentary. Satire can help draw attention to issues or critical themes by taking them to the absurd or extreme.